As a Catholic community aspiring for excellence, Merici College is inspired by our Catholic teachings;
Jesus said: ‘I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit…’ (John 15:5)
We are an innovative, progressive and caring learning community, committed to the well-being of our students and driven by our Catholic values. We work in partnership with parents to provide a nurturing and inclusive environment, which develops young women who can lead and have impact within their communities by showing respect for others, empathy, intercultural understanding and positive stewardship. In order to facilitate the ongoing spiritual, emotional, academic and social development of our young women, Merici College has a comprehensive Pastoral Care system based on Christian beliefs. We create a positive and inclusive learning environment that develops and challenges students who are compassionate, confident and engaged life-long learners. Our vision for each young woman is that she feels fully prepared to meet the challenges of an increasingly globalised world where differences are valued and respected.
We take St Angela Merici as our guide and as such, view each student as a unique individual with inherent dignity.
‘Never cease to cultivate the vine entrusted to you. Then leave the rest to will see wonders.’
(Angela Merici’s Counsels)
Teaching and Learning at Merici College is designed, implemented and evaluated to achieve excellence in education. We promote enthusiasm and energy for learning within our classrooms by utilising a variety of strategies to meet individual student needs. We encourage ownership of learning, higher-order and critical thinking and reflection to empower students and allow them to develop the self-discipline and drive required to become life-long learners.
Our focus is on developing students holistically, so that they become compassionate and active members of our global community; young women who value ethical behaviour, who have a strong yet realistic sense of their own worth, and who are ready to take their place in the world.
Mission Statement
Merici College empowers women to love life, have hope, be faithful and build futures more wondrous than they dare to dream.
Merici College endeavours to be a vibrant, faithful learning community that fosters excellence, and takes positive action to build a shared global future.
To educate women so that they are empowered to love life, have hope, be faithful and build futures more wondrous than they dare to dream.
We are a faithful community.
‘Act, bestir yourselves, have faith and confidence. You will see wonders.’(Angela Merici’s Counsels)
We are a principled community.
‘See how important integrity is. For this reason long for it, search for it, embrace it, hold onto it with all your strength.’ (Angela Merici’s Counsels)
We are an inclusive community.
‘Let the quality of our relationships be characterised by goodness, kindness, gentleness and attentiveness to the needs of every person.’ (Angela Merici’s Counsels)
We are a hope-filled community.
‘Hold this for certain ... every request you ask of God will certainly be granted.’ (Angela Merici’s Counsels)
Policy Context
The CE Office has determined the following three priority areas and enablers.
Strategic Priorities
- Mission (Strengthen Catholic identity across the system)
- Performance (Intensify the focus on improving student engagement and learning outcomes)
- Service (Clarify how everyone contributes to the growth and wellbeing of students)
Key Enablers
- Celebrate (Promote Catholic Education as a compelling choice for students, families and staff)
- Professional Growth (Cultivate and extend talent and leadership)
- Accountability (Use data to inform decision making and drive performance)
On reviewing the feedback and considering the challenges and opportunities outlined in the environmental scan, Merici has identified four priority areas of Fidelitas, Powerful Learning, Thriving Community, and Sustainable Future.
Please click here to find our Merici College Strategic Plan 2022-2024 brochure.
The full Strategic Plan 2022-2024 document can be found here.
Merici College Annual Improvement Plan 2024
As part of the 2022-2024 Strategic Plan, the Annual Improvement Plan focuses solely on the goals and tasks allocated and/or created for 2024. This plan will ensure a continued commitment to providing a positive and nurturing learning environment that supports our school’s mission and vision for the future.
Please click here to find the Annual Improvement Plan 2024.
Striving For Excellence
We are continually striving to improve Our School. Please download our current Annual Improvement Plan to find out more.